Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is it a trend now, considering recession, that network marketing is so popular? To me, this tactic is like a scam, but then you can't say it is...

Also, employers nowadays would not state the details of a job. You'll have to go for either a briefing or a training session to know all the details. Though its a waste of time, but that's the trend now; You want the job, you come down. Calls would not be entertained, send in resume and only shortlisted ones will be notified. Maybe that is so called 'job searching'.

Oh, the green tea I've been searching is now available at Watson. I call it the "Seaweed green tea" because it has a fresh greeny smell, like the smell of raw seaweed. By the way, the green tea is in the form of unprocessed tea leaves and its certified organic. That's what attracted me to make the purchase. Taka might have these types of green tea, but price should be higher. Nonetheless, I recommend the ones sold in Watson to green tea lovers.

Axel blogged at 1:17 AM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've got a story to share. Its a story about how 2 person meets.

It began when the fat guy (resemblance to Justice Bao) and sporty lady (resemblance to FFXIII Lightning) were still in college, though in different ones. The guy would travel back to his hometown via an express bus whenever there was a vacation. As for the lady, she lived near her school and travelled by normal bus.

Human traffic was especially high during one of his vacation, and so the guy couldn't make it for the 5pm express bus. Though there was one slot for 7pm, he decided that it would be faster to take the normal bus. It is human nature to look for seats, so the guy and his friend went right to the rear of the bus as it was crowded at that time and there are starting to have more standing passengers. They found one, and so the guy offered it to his friend as he was carrying much more luggage. He tried his luck once more by moving to the front, as it would be tiring to stand given that the trip would be at least an hour or more. He found one vacant seat, which was behind the bus driver, however a lady had occupied the seat at the aisle side.

He wasn't thinking of anything else other than siting down and resting as he himself carries quite a lot too. And so politely, he ask the lady to make way. The lady thought that the guy was okay and make way for him. At other times, she would refuse as she can sense who are the "dirty old men" who leans on you. Being more sociable, the lady strikes up conversation with the guy, who was quieter. As they were more or less the same age, they chatted about the courses they attend and what they want to do in the future.

The lady was reaching her stop soon. The guy then asked if there was any way for contact. She hands over her house number to him and got off.

The 2 didn't meet up, but did maintain contact via phone. Years passed, the lady graduated while the guy was still pursuing further studies. He found a job too, soon after he graduated but was posted to distant land. They contact each other lesser due to work, and this last for a few years. Having promoted, the guy went back to work in his country. He tried to call the lady's number and to his surprise, the number still works. He enquired on the current location of the lady and realise that they were very near to each other. As he had little friends, he would visit her once or twice a week for dinner after work. As time pass, the lady felt that the guy irritates her and would pretend to shower for 2 hours each time he visits albeit she politely told the guy to wait. Since the guy had not had dinner yet, he left after a long wait. The visit became once a month and finally the guy gives up thinking that, as a friend he got this kind of response. He felt that the lady had no intention of being his friend. He can sense that the lady did what she did on purpose and so he left her alone.

3 months after, one of the lady's friend saw the guy with a group of friends shopping. She told the lady that, hey your foolish friend actually managed to find himself a girlfriend. Hearing this, she got a bit jealous and thought it was impossible for that foolish guy to have found a girlfriend in a matter a 3 months. She reflected on herself that it was stupid to do what she did before, and decided to call the guy and ask him out for dinner. The guy was okay with it and at the same time see what the lady was up to. It was again to his surprise that the lady had changed so much into a polite person. He once again thought, hmm maybe he can start to contact this friend again based on the positive response he got.

The positive response escalates each time he visits and they were mutual. The lady would ask the guy if he wants to eat any snacks and the guy would buy medicine for sore throat when the lady sounded differently on the phone. She would have sore throat almost every month due to her diet, which consist mainly of fried foods.

The lady's parent met the guy by chance when they visited her. They told her that he was a nice guy and that she might want to consider giving him a chance. Being a beautiful lady, she had no lack of suitors.

The story ends here. It was not known how they started, who broke first and what. Its up to your imagination. However, this is based on the true story of my second uncle and aunty and its a first hand information. What I'm emphasizing here is Fate. What if my uncle had gotten a ticket for the express bus? What if it was his friend who had offered him the seat? Lady did not strike up conversation? Guy did not ask for contact? Lady did not answer call? Guy was not seen by lady's friend? Lady did not get jealous and called back? Guy did not meet lady's parent by chance...?

Its really amazing how 2 strangers can meet on a bus and finally becomes husband and wife. The couple are now living together happily ever after with 2 sons; the elder son is in Primary 3 and younger son is in Primary 1.

Axel blogged at 5:27 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thinking back...and future >>>

Well, I found a list of emails and phone numbers while tidying up 3 years worth of study materials. Remember during Year 1 orientation, I passed around a blue note book trying to get classmates' contacts. To my surprise, I've quite a few house phone numbers from about a dozen classmates from FS0602. Haha but didn't get to use them though cos I forgot about it.

Seems like most people are job and working now. March is a month of much event for me, so maybe job search will start April. Enlistment will be July, as from an officer at the army exhibition...

Just read Sham's blog. Its heart warming just looking at how he planned his day ahead.

Axel blogged at 12:08 AM