Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well what is this. Signed in but then don't know what to post. Apart from the usual outings, its quite boring frankly. Singapore is too small. Can't wait to finish the next sem then can go NS camp. Maybe it'll be more interesting there, haha.

Axel blogged at 8:24 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I've a new definition for the word "Customers". According to my own personal experience acccumulating dictionary, it simply means, "A general group of people with bad attitudes". LOL!

Since I'm handling credit cards users, I couldn't help but to say that one's bad attitude is directly proportionate to the amount of $$$ you've. Shopping is actually a very happy event, and I just wonder why some shoppers would want to make theirs a miserable one over a cheapskate $5 voucher. Oh I loved the uncle working with me; "Call our hotline if you're unhappy about the terms and conditions. The receptionist will be happy to serve you. I'm a small fry, can't do much against the company without your absolute co-operation. Here's the contact number and have a nice day."

Its so boring without "Customers" creating problems for me. And so I've been into reading a book called the "Ten Second Staircase", a murder case which I'm about to finish. Though its chim and I couldn't understand sometimes, its one of the very very few books that I've actually able to "endure" finish reading it.

Axel blogged at 12:19 AM