Monday, June 23, 2008

To be dead and thus reborn

Oh well, wasted 1 whole week doing SDS-PAGE and still nothing succeed in the end. But now I certainly can call myself an expert of SDS-PAGE after so many failures.

Hoho, I think I make myself clear to T.T that I don't like him.

1) T.T: Why do you think I put 2 ace students in the soy okara project, put them here to hate me ar?
Me: Eh, a bit (hate you).

2)T.T: Ok, we don't care about whether the human body can absorb the proteins in the okara la, if can absorb a bit its good enough. Cos that would be human research already.
Me: Oh...ok. So do you mean that if the body can't absorb the proteins then we might as well cancel the whole project? Haha.

3) (Leaving with the untouched samples)
T.T: Do you think I should choke myself with these?
Me: Yeah you should.

While I thought we're dead, Lin Liang and Jessie help us to REBORN. Yea, can see some light cos they came up with a very simple formulation to help suspend the okara to create wonderful beverages. The okara didn't even want to settle, so damn perfect.

That's why: If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.

Thanks T.T for the killing, if not we can't be reborned. LOL!!!

Axel blogged at 8:43 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Went to visit Faustine at the Apple booth at Heeren today. They've got a cute promotion that is use to attract the customers; just flash your iPod to get a box of polar bears, LOL!

It looks like this:

The toy is tied to the bottom, didn't want to take out so I just take the pic of it in the box, haha.

A nice bedtime story book, sweetdreams.

Thereafter I went to watch The Incredible Hulk. The cave scene is touching and, Tony Stark a.k.a Ironman is still as cool in the last scene. Watch out for Stanley cameo appearance as he drink the contaminated beverage, LOL!

Axel blogged at 11:33 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dedicated to my going-to-be IAP friends

There're pros and cons in every situation.

What is bad about IAP is:
1) Those who stay far away from your workplace needs to get up early, maybe 5.30am?
2) You're attached there alone (1 is the loneliest number you'll ever be).
3) Monday blues (who doesn't have?).
4) Maybe its hard getting along with your colleagues.
5) Writing that darn book that gets torn when the cover page touch water.
6) Etc.

The good:
1) You don't have to worry much about doing research, so you can sleep when you get home.
2) From point 1), weekends are all yours. Make sure to spend them well if not you'll have Monday blues.
3) No project stress.
4) Lunch breaks and tea-breaks are standard. Make sure to look forward to that.
5) Get to know you colleagues (hobbys, etc). They might be doing stuffs that interest you. One of my colleagues shows me around the gym, and got me interested. He also reminded me that the library exist. Another thing is that the world is so small. My supervisor is actually the Uni classmate of SzeWP...
6) You'll get to say TGIF (Thank God Its Friday). This links back to point 2).
7) You'll "miss" seeing the lecturers' face.
8) Etc (Find out more yourself).

That's the summary. Whenever I've Monday blues, what I did was to be very very enthu to do work, like at which hour must I complete my stuff and so on. And I try to have something to look forward to such as lunch break, going home for dinner or play those have-yet-to-open downloaded items (don't mass download please). Planning outings are the best (but I never planned any). Ask those also on IAP out for dinner or shopping or a movie. Planning 1 week ahead will be good. They always did so IAP is never boring for me. Thanks manz.

Search for your own enlightenment. I'll search for mine doing FYP (or someone would wish to share their experiences?).

Axel blogged at 11:40 AM