Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dedicated to my colleagues...

Finally the end of IAP, got a strange feeling...

Anyway there're some photos to share;

Testing of viscosity (hated most). The green packs are used to cool down the water and the sample. This is basically the most boring task you can get there.
F&N Orange carbonated drink base. Top it up with cold carbonated water to get the Orange soft drink. We make the base ourselves, get to see the recipe. The numbers are indeed strange...
Driving forklift...?

The chill warehouse, there's a nice unique smell of powder ingredients...
Production area: Caution Wet Floor!

The lab: Please equip boots of safety!
Art for sale!
The artist:

Final gatherings...

Until we meet again...

Axel blogged at 12:30 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A different Path?

Who wants to continue in the area of Food Science after Poly...?

I want to be a pilot of commercial planes.

LOL. Yea, maybe that's what I'll do. But do I need to go Uni to be a pilot? Hmm... See first ba...I don't have background knowledge, lose out here. If need to go Uni sure need to take Year 1 course. Another thing is eyesight, but got lasik right, LOL!!!

After IAP, I feel that the food area doesn't offer much. First is the $$$. The poly graduates monthly salary is only like $1400. If manager maybe >$2800>. Second is that the job doesn't offer much challenge unless if you're in R&D at the least. And R&D requires a degree. Flying around is more freedom, compared to office and lab workers like us. That's what I thought for now...

After that I might go into investment when there's enough capital. So lets just stick to books for now and learn the ropes. Work for 10 years maybe? 20 years to be financially free...

But then to want to "switch job" so easily might mean I give up easily. Sort of like betraying myself, cos I like science area... That's the cruel truth of the society, $ counts. Even if pilot gets the same monthly pay, at least its better to fly around. The freedom is already worth it. But then again there's no guaranteed freedom...

Hope there's a career call Food Techno Pilot.

Axel blogged at 10:25 PM

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dead Bees...

So many dead bees at home recently. Wonder where's their hives...

Axel blogged at 11:23 PM