Thursday, January 24, 2008

24th January 2008. Something I thought that would never happen to me actually happened this fateful day. I GOT CHICKEN POX!!!

So, first thing is that I'm sorry to those who ate lunch with me. Hope you guys are as strong as a bull and can eat a horse when you're hungry. If you started feeling weak like got fever, then most probably you got my virus. I didn't know I got chicken pox then, so sorry. But isn't it fate that those who didn't got chicken pox before sat beside and in front of me? The virus can be spread through air when the infected person is talking and laughing. I'm very sure I got talk and, of course, laughs a lot like always. Anyway the Alien VS Buddha (AVB) jokes and 2012 fateful day are funny.

Regarding my MC, its officially granted. Its 2 weeks starting from today to 06/02/08. Following that is Chinese New Year. So the next time I step into the school will be exam time. The chicken pox really knows when to appear, joining all holidays together. LOL!!!

Anyway thanks for having lunch with me everytime I ask. One could have a better appetite when eating with friends and joking around.

See you guy during exam and all the best for your interviews and Project 3 presentation.

Axel blogged at 4:32 PM

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ok, just read Faust's blog. So what's my goal? I've been wanting to talk about it.

Two words (after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad): FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

So what's so great about this 'freedom'? Its having lots of $$$ without working like a bull, in layman's term. So this person called Robert (author), says that your passive income must be more than your active income. Passive income comes from your asset such as shares or stocks or property (I think). Active income comes from your salary...

So I'm thinking of starting a little from young IF possible. Don't need a lot of $$$ but need to know where and how to begin and slowly buildup. And another rule is to "Pay yourself first", not the government. LOL! Meaning is that use the money not to pay bills, but to look for better investment opportunity and invest, first.

Even though I really hate things that associates with "Business" (even some of the core modules), but that's the only one thing that can possibly help you increase your passive income. So maybe gotta find books to read up about all that. Best if can find a person who knows how. Haha!

Maybe I might just be able to pull it off somehow and "Retire Young, Retire Rich"? LOL! Keep dreaming for now...Yea.

Axel blogged at 12:25 AM