Friday, July 13, 2007

What's the matter with ZoneX at AMK HUB!?

Played House of the Dead 4 and Time Crisis 4 but its either the gun cannot work or I've to aim slightly out of the screen to shoot properly. Strange thing is both guns having problems are player 2 side.

Well, the best movie now is Harry Potter so we went to watch. I can't understand why people are still strolling in when the show is like playing for 10 minutes already. Some even worse, half and hour then come in, might as well don't watch. And the person sitting in front of me still call on his phone and chatting away. I wonder if Singapore is the only country like this. Maybe Japan don't have this problem as I heard from others that talking on your mobile in the train cabin is not tolerated (maybe Japanese are more daring as to tell others off straight?). Just felt that these behaviours are UGLY!

Did anyone notice the date is Friday the 13th? I noticed when labeling the EC broth during Food Micro.

Axel blogged at 11:37 PM

Sunday, July 1, 2007

How clever can a 5 years old kid get?

My cousin came to stay over during the 2 weeks break and she was cute and annoying at the same time. Due to her being such an imp, I threatened her that I'll video whatever she's doing and show it to her Dad. Well, after that I went to revise my work and she came into my room with a 5.1 megapixel camera and shot me, with flash some more...

That was a "good" thing she learned from me for "revenge". So I just told her, "You'll get it once your dad view the photos". LOL, how funny her expression was and focusing on keeping the camera properly. She was starting to cry and ask my mum for help.

I deleted my photo in the end, not to save her but to save myself. The picture was taken when I'm frowning at her, not a nice shot...

Guess what? My sis took a video and recorded everything. Last for more than 1 min. LOL!

Axel blogged at 1:33 AM