Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I was checking the World Clock on my phone a few days ago. I checked Beijing (cos that's where my cousins are right now) and realize that the time zone is the same as Singapore. Tokyo is 1 hour faster and London is 8 hours slower (I checked at around 11.45, and their time is 3.45, so should be slower...).

So I thought if the earth is spinning + rotating, then we'll only be where we are exactly, 1 year later...Hmm....regarding the time zone, if Singapore is compared with London, it would seems like we've passed the "Time" already, then London is still 8 hours slower. So if there's new transport system which enables us to travel faster, then we could still get to London for example to say "Happy Birthday" to someone whose birthday have already pass in "your time". So if one were to go to Tokyo from Singapore, they'll be 1 hour older? LOL!

Axel blogged at 11:22 PM

Friday, May 25, 2007

My uncle once said something to me which is quite true. The educational standard in Singapore can be considered to be one of the best in Asia. Think about those childrens in, maybe, third world countries. Their schools are really simple and what sort of things do you think they get to learn? Do they learn simple algebra? Or lower secondary Science?

Even in M'sia, you'll have to choose a well known school for tertiary education as it GREATLY helps when finding a job. Although you've completed the course with flying colours, its hard to get a job if you're not from a well known tertiary institute (well, the rich can do business, LOL).

(Stop if you feel its lame. Those below are not for you.)

Singapore's tertiary institutes are quite well establish. Even though there are 5 polytechnics locally, you can't really say which one is the best (or the worst). The perception is that old trademark would definitely be better than the new ones. And among the polytechnics, some are quite well known in the world.

People say, "Well, Singapore's not the place to stay for further education". But where would they go? Would most of the locals go to Uni in the near neighbouring countries of Singapore? I doubt so. The reason is simple; would you change your plasma TV to a standard TV even though you can afford it? LOL!

Of course most people seeks better quality product, this is rational. But have they ever thought that they're really, already, very fortunate, compared to those who didn't even get to study? Humans really are interesting! They'll feel that what they currently possess are inferior "goods"; even though the "goods" are infinite times better than what is really possessed by most people in the world.

We're lucky people. We should seek higher and better education if we can. But while in the mist of doing that, we should try to improve on what we have currently and not complain about how bad it is. If anyone think otherwise, the only conclusion is that, they're not ready to possess the best things in life. Give it to others and don't hold on to the good things and then intentionally criticize that they're bad!

I'm satisfied with what I've now but I'll not stop improving it and I'll learn as I go along. So maybe that's my definition on Life and is what drives me. You?

Axel blogged at 11:10 PM

Monday, May 21, 2007

Even though you want to be, or to show that you're a steady person right, sometimes it will backfire if overdoing it.

For example, when you're quarrelling (a real big one) with someone, its often easy to say the word "Sorry". But the strange thing is, even if the person do manage to say it, you can feel whether that person is sincere or not. Maybe by tone? Or could be the eyes expression? You can just feel it.

If not, then that means the person's not sincere. Saying "Sorry" just for the sake of saying it. Show that he/she is a steady person? No! I'll even think that person's outcast class. How can "Sorry" just pop out from the mouth so easily? That's what I call backfire!

Okay, things like an accidental step on the shoe or getting through the crowd is understandable. I meant big quarrel.

Anyway that's just my thoughts. So if anyone's reading this, don't feel offended.

Say cheeeeeese! =D

Axel blogged at 9:26 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Text formatting buttons are finally back to normal!

Now that it is confirmed that we're doing Bird's Nest, the next thing is ideas. I'm quite naive actually, cos youngster like us will have lots of ideas but then most would not work or are not practical. I don't mean we made a fool out of ourselves at the company....

The thing which I forgotten is the properties of food. You can add anything into the bottle and hope it works (and still think it will, LOL) but most of the time its not that easy. For example, Food A likes cold temperature, but Food B loves heat treatment, then you can't combine these 2 already......and then you don't know (and have not done research) Food A's properties and go put them together...wth...

A food person will never say, "Oil and water can never mix together", when they're describing themselves and the person they don't like. Saw this nick on MSN and I was quite eager to explain how the 2 can mix; by emulsion simply! LOL!!!

Anyway its a tired day for me cos from 8am to 6pm is almost worse than working. Going to sleep soon...

Axel blogged at 7:06 PM

Monday, May 14, 2007

Text formatting buttons are still at the sides....sianz...

Anyway I met my ex-best friend on bus on the way to school. He was my friend since kindergatern and we attended the same Primary and Secondary school. He was even my classmate for the whole of secondary school life. So its kind of close to a family member. Quite a cheerful person actually (not now).

Although we went to different courses in Poly, some of my old classmates still meet up once a while. We'll always try to contact this ex-best friend, but he won't or rarely turn up for the gathering. Of course we called him and still message him, he either won't receive the call or reply the message. Hm...last time he's not like this...

I understand people do change as time passes, but for me I'll be happy to stick around old friends if I've the chance since the busy school life prevents us from doing so... Most people will try and find common topics to chat when they didn't meet for a long time like, "How you doing lately?" or "Hey, where've you been, didn't see you for so long", and such. But he didn't. He was so damn cool and I was like thinking, "Em, can you talk? Don't let me spam questions on you can?" You get this feeling when there's nothing to talk about and you're only one talking, and the other guy just answer your questions and done. I mean I'm not trying to interview a star here, just trying to catch up with an old friend.

Another guy in the same clique in secondary school attended the same course as him. He told me that he also could not understand why this person changed so dramatically. The words he speaks to him is like, "Hi" and "Bye" only cos he don't even greet an old friend... Same class somemore and he didn't even go over and talk. He wasn't like this in the past. I started to think if he's ego-ing.

I really hate to lose this friend. Communication devices are so common, why would he reject using it to break off this long friendship?

Axel blogged at 8:05 PM